Dostępność zależy od kilku czynników. Pierwszy to rasa postaci, drugi to profesja, a trzeci to płeć. Ten ostatni ma wpływ bardzo rzadko (wśród broni - an razu), pierwszy - stosunkowo rzadko (tylko Faerie mają bardzo ograniczony ekwipunek), zaś ten drugi decyduje najczęściej.
Miejsca w torbach mamy sporo więcej, ale trzeba pamiętać, że kluczowych przedmiotów wyrzucić nie można - to zmiana na lepsze, bo uniemożliwia nam pozbycie się ich przypadkiem. Dlatego większość niepotrzebnego sprzętu lepiej sprzedawać. Choć z drugiej strony, najlepsze rzeczy polecam trzymać - bo nawet jeśli aktualnie nie mamy nikogo, kto może się nimi posługiwać, to w przyszłości może się to zmienić.
Przedmioty przeklęte wpływają negatywnie - podnoszą klasę pancerza, sprawiają że zamiast regenerować HP odnosimy obrażenia. Na szczęście można się ich normalnie pozbyć.
Identyfikacja różni się od tej z Wizardry 1-5. Teraz znamy już nazwę przedmiotu, ale by poznać jego parametry, musimy użyć czaru Identification - lub poniższych tabelek.
Objaśnienia do tabelek:
Obrażenia- ilość kostek, ich wartość oraz ewentualny bonus. Czyli 1d6 +2 oznacza jeden rzut kością K6 +2 do wyniku rzutu.
Specjalne: Modyfikatory do uderzeń specjalnych, trafień, przemiana broni lub czary. Czyli Paral 20%, Fireball (2), Inv: +1 Str, oznacza, że trafiając mamy 20% na sparaliżowanie wroga, używając jako przedmiotu może rzucić Fireball o wartości 2 albo możemy poświęcić ów przedmiot, by podnieść Strength postaci o 1.
Nazwa żywiołu określa odporność danego typu ekwipunku, np. Water 25% oznacza zwiększenie odporności na czary żywiołu wody o 25%
U - dana księga uczy postać określonego czaru.
AC+/- - dany amulet/pierścień wpływa na klasę pancerza.
Ob: - dany amulet/pierścień wpływa na zadawane obrażenia
F - Fighter
M - Mage
P - Priest
T - Thief
R - Ranger
A - Alchemist
B - Bard
P - Psionic
V - Valkyrie
B - Bishop
L - Lord
S - Samurai
M - Monk
N - Ninja
H - Human
E - Elf
D - Dwarf
G - Gnome
H - Hobbit
F - Faerie
L - Lizardman
D - Dracon
F - Felpurr
R - Rawulf
M - Mook
Nazwa | Cena | Klasa | Rasa | Rany | Specjalne |
Dagger of Ramm | 0 | PB | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d3+1 | Crit 10%, Regen -2 |
Miner's Chisel | 0 | FTBVLN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d3 | |
Dirk | 5 | FMTRABPVLSN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d4 | |
Dagger | 15 | FMTRABPVLSN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d4 | |
Sparkler | 15 | MTABPN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d8 | Energy Blast (1) |
Main Gauche | 30 | FVL | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d5 | |
Icicle | 40 | MTABPN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d8 | Chilling Touch (2) |
Ginzu Knife | 45 | FSN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 3d2 | |
Stilleto | 85 | FTBVL | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d3 | Crit 10% |
Firecracker | 100 | MTABPN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 3d8 | Energy Blast (3) |
Bottlerocket | 200 | MTABPN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d8 | Magic Missile (2) |
Skyrocket | 350 | MTABPN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 5d5 | Magic Missile (4) |
Poignard | 420 | FRBVL | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d6 | |
Pixie Stick | 500 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | F | 2d4 | Sleep (3) |
Night Stick | 1250 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | F | 2d4 | Blinding Flash (3) |
Skull Dagger | 1500 | FMTRABPVLSN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d4 | Crit 2%, Magic 12% |
Faerie Stick | 2500 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | F | 3d4 | Blink (4) |
Thieve's Dagger | 6000 | T | HEDGHFLDFRM | 3d4 | Crit 5%, Inv: +1 SPD |
Wand of Mystery | 7000 | MAP | HEDGHFLDFRM | 3d3 | Para 15%, Pris. Missile (3) |
Demon's Tooth | 8000 | TB | HEDGHFLDFRM | 3d4+4 | Para 15% |
Wand of Razing | 8000 | MAP | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d3 | |
Wand of Waving | 10000 | MAP | HEDGHFLDFRM | 3d3 | Illusion (4) |
Wand of Ghosts | 15000 | MAP | HEDGHFLDFRM | 5d3 | Dispell Undead (4) |
Crystal Wand | 20000 | MAP | HEDGHFLDFRM | 3d3 | Sleep 15%, Wiz. Eye (3) |
Lightning Rod | 20000 | MAP | HEDGHFLDFRM | 3d4 | Fire 25%, Lightning (4) |
Golden Rod | 25000 | PB | HEDGHFLDFRM | 3d4 | Regen +1, Heal Wound (4) |
Necrology Rod | 25000 | MAP | HEDGHFLDFRM | 3d3 | Resurrection (4) |
Rod of Sprites | 25000 | MAP | F | 4d4 | Stone 50% |
Short Sword | 45 | FTRBVL | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d6 | |
Wakizashi | 240 | SN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d6 | |
Ninjato | 700 | N | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d4 | Crit 5% |
Sai | 750 | N | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d3+2 | Crit 5% |
Wakizashi+1 | 2000 | SN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d9+1 | Crit 2% |
Inferior Sword | 35 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d6 | |
Cutlass | 50 | FTRBVS | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d6+1 | |
Longsword | 60 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d8 | |
Broadsword | 85 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d7+1 | |
Bastard Sword | 120 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 2d4+1 | |
Rapier | 125 | FTRBVL | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d7 | |
Katana | 400 | SN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d7 | |
Sword of Striking | 1250 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d8 | |
Beastmaster | 3500 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d8+4 | Sleep 15% |
Sword of Hearts | 4000 | TRB | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d7+4 | Crit 2% |
Blackblade | 5000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d8+4 | Poison 25%, Regen -1 |
Saint Bastard | 5000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 2d4+5 | KO 5% |
Bushido Blade | 7500 | SN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d7+2 | Crit 5% |
Blade Cuisinart | 15000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 4d4+2 | Crit 5% |
Fang | 20000 | FVL | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d8+8 | Crit 10%, Mind 25%, Inv: +1 Str |
Muramasa Blade | 34464 | S | HEDGHFLDFRM | 3d7+4 | Crit 15%, Air 12%, Earth 12%, Fire 12%, Water 12%, |
Estoc of Olivia | 40000 | R | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d7+4 | Crit 5%, Magic 40%, Inv: +1 Vit |
Avenger | 50000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 3d8+4 | Crit 10%, Fire 50%, Lightning (5) |
Claymore | 600 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 2d4+2 | |
Sword of Lading | 2400 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d8+8 | KO 10%, Regen -1 |
Flamberge | 3000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 2d5+2 | |
Excaliber | 3392 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 4d8+4 | Stone 25%, Crit 5%, Fire 37%, Regen +1, Lightning (6) |
No-dachi | 4000 | N | HEDGH LDFRM | 2d7 | Crit 2% |
Zweihander | 4000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 3d5 | |
Dragon Slayer | 6000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d10+5 | |
Sword of Fire | 20000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 2d8 | Fire 25%, Fireball (4) |
Bearded War Axe | 50 | FRVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d5 | |
Battle Axe | 100 | FVLSN | HEDGH LDFRM | 2d4 | |
Bipennis | 3250 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 2d6+2 | |
Axe of Woe | 6500 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 2d6+2 | Regen -3 |
Blades of Aesir | 14000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 2d12 | KO 5%, Crit 5%, Water 50%, Iceball (5) |
Hammer | 15 | FTRVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d4+1 | KO 5% |
War Sceptre | 75 | FPVBL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d6 | KO 5% |
Nunchaka | 145 | N | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d5 | KO 10% |
Bec De Corbin | 935 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 2d3+1 | KO 5% |
Hammer+1.5 | 12000 | FTRVS | HEDGH LDFRM | 2d4+6 | KO 15% |
Diamond Eyes | 20000 | FPVBL | HEDGH LDFRM | 3d4+4 | Para 20%, Magic 12%, Inv: +1 Pers |
Club | 15 | FPRVBLMN | HEDGH LDFRM | 2d4 | |
Mace | 60 | FPVBL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d6+1 | KO 5% |
War Hammer | 75 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d5+1 | KO 5% |
Morningstar | 100 | FPVBL | HEDGH LDFRM | 2d4 | KO 5% |
Anointed Flail | 140 | FPVBLN | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d6+1 | KO 5% |
Bullwhip | 185 | FMPTRABPVBL | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d4 | |
Zizka Star | 1400 | FPVBLN | HEDGH LDFRM | 2d5 | KO 5% |
Mustard Mace | 2250 | FPVBL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d6+3 | KO 10%, Stink Bomb (2) |
Maiden Head | 7750 | FPVBL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d16 | KO 10%, Charm (5) |
Vulcan Hammer | 15000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 3d4+4 | KO 10%, Fire 25%, Fireball (5) |
Cat'o Nine Tail | 20000 | FMTRABPVLMN | HEDGH LDFRM | 6d3 | |
Miner's Pick | 0 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d7+2 | |
Giant Sledge | 350 | FVL | H D LDFRM | 3d6 | KO 10% |
Holy Stake | 0 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d5 | |
Staff of Aram | 0 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d5+2 | Poison 15%, KO 5%, Crit 5%, Magic 25%, Mind 25%, Regen -1 |
Stave of Missiles | 750 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d4+2 | Magic Missile (1) |
Staff of Ruin | 2500 | MPABP | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d2 | Regen -1 |
Spear of Death | 3000 | FRVLSMN | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d5+4 | Poison 15%, Crit 2% |
Dryadic Staff | 5000 | MRAPM | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d4 | Blink (3) |
Stave of Moons | 5000 | MPRAPB | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d4 | Mind 17%, Sleep (3) |
Staff Magicus | 7000 | MAP | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d4 | Fire 10%, Water 10%, Magic 10%, Magic Screen (3) |
Stave of Stars | 10000 | MPRAPB | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d4 | Fireball (3) |
Stave of Witches | 12500 | MAP | HEDGHFLDFRM | 3d4 | Terror (6) |
Quarterstaff | 10 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d5 | |
Bo | 12 | SMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d6 | |
Spear | 20 | FRVL N | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d6 | |
Awl Pike | 50 | FVLSN | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d6 | |
Halberd | 135 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d10 | |
Lance | 450 | VL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d12 | |
Monstrance | 450 | PB | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d8 | KO 5% |
Hayai Bo | 1750 | SMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d6+3 | KO 5% |
Fauchard | 2000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d12 | |
Naginata | 2500 | SMN | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d12 | |
Holy Basher | 12000 | PB | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d8+4 | KO 10% |
Faust Halberd | 15000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 4d4+2 | Para 5%, Crit 5%, Air 25%, Lifesteal (4) |
Ravens Bill | 17500 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 4d4+2 | Poison 25%, Crit 5%, Regen -2 |
Rammbus Staff | 25000 | PB | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d4+4 | KO 15%, Magic 25%, Lightning (5) |
Maenad's Lance | 30000 | V | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d12 | Crit 10%, Mind 50%, Regen +1, Inv: +1 Str |
Zatoichi Bo | 34464 | SM | HEDGHFLDFRM | 3d6+6 | Para 15%, KO 15%, Crit 5%, Mind 50%, Blinding Flash (6) |
Shuriken | 20 | SMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d6+1 | |
Butterfly Axe | 400 | FTRBVL | HEDGH LDFRM | 1d8+3 | |
Shiken Shuri | 500 | SMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d7+5 | Crit 3% |
Rock of Reflection | 1000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d2 | Hypnose 125% |
Wrist Rocket | 1400 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 0 | KO 10% |
Bullet Stone | 1 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d4 | |
Rhine Stone | 1 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1 | |
Razor Stone | 25 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 2d3+1 | |
Serpent Stone | 95 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 3d3+3 | Poison 15% |
Devil Stone | 240 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 4d4 | Stone 10%, KO 10% |
Short Bow | 250 | FMTRABPVLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 0 | |
Long Bow | 600 | FRVLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 0 | |
Vex Bow | 800 | FRVLSMN | HEDGH LDFRM | 0 | |
Great Bow | 3500 | FRVSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 0 | Crit 5% |
Elven Bow | 34464 | FRVLM | E | 0 | Crit 5%, Inv: +1 Spd |
Elm Arrow | 2 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d6 | |
Cupid Arrow | 15 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d4 | Sleep 25% |
Barbed Arrow | 25 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d8+4 | Crit 5% |
A.P. Arrow | 45 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d8+4 | |
Viper Arrow | 85 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d7+3 | Poison 25% |
Mystic Arrow | 220 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 4d4+2 | Para 15% |
Peacemaker | 2500 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 6d6+6 | Crit 20% |
Lt. Crossbow | 375 | FTRBVLM | HEDGH LDFRM | 0 | |
Hv. Crossbow | 1250 | FRVLM | HEDGH LDFRM | 0 | |
Seige Arbalest | 8000 | FRVLM | HEDGH LDFRM | 0 | Crit 5% |
Quarrel | 3 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 1d4+1 | |
Bone Breaker | 115 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 3d3+4 | |
Lightning Bolt | 1250 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | 5d5+5 | Crit 10% |
Nazwa | Cena | Klasa | Rasa | Pancerz | Specjalne |
Vennal Robe | 10000 | MPAPVBLSM | HEDGHFLDFRM | +4 | |
Plate Du Faux | 2400 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | +2 | |
Tarnished Mail | 400 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | +1 | |
Cloth Shirt | 10 | FTRBVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -1 | |
Fur Halter | 25 | FTRBVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -2 | Tylko kobiety |
Ninja Garb | 80 | N | HEDGHFLDFRM | -3 | |
Suede Doublet | 85 | FTRBVL | HEDGHFLDFRM | -3 | |
Quilt Tunic | 175 | FPVBLS | HEDGH LDFRM | -4 | |
Leather Cuirass | 285 | FTBVLS | HEDGH LDFRM | -5 | |
Bronze Cuirass | 1000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -6 | |
Stud-cuir Bra+2 | 2000 | FTBVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -6 | |
Chamail Doublet | 3500 | TRB | HEDGH LDFRM | -6 | |
Robe of Enchant | 10000 | MPAPVBLSM | HEDGHFLDFRM | -6 | Magic 25% |
Leather Hauberk | 450 | FTBVLS | HEDGH LDFRM | -7 | |
Breastplate | 600 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -8 | |
Studded Hauberk | 950 | FTBVLS | HEDGH LDFRM | -8 | |
Chain Hauberk | 1250 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -9 | |
Jazeraint Tunic | 2000 | FTBVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -9 | |
Tosei-do | 3000 | S | HEDGH LDFRM | -9 | |
Plate Mail | 1850 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -10 | |
Full Plate | 4000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -12 | |
Hi-kane-do | 20000 | S | HEDGH LDFRM | -12 | Earth 30%, Fire 15% |
Ebony Plate | 50000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -14 | Air 12%, Earth 30%, Fire 12%, Water 12% |
Nazwa | Cena | Klasa | Rasa | Działanie |
Harmonium | 100 | B | HEDGHFLDFRM | Itching Skin |
Lute | 250 | B | HEDGHFLDFRM | Sleep |
Angel's Tongue | 500 | B | HEDGHFLDFRM | Bless |
Devil's Pipe | 1000 | B | HEDGHFLDFRM | Weaken |
Midnight Choir | 2500 | B | HEDGHFLDFRM | Terror |
Pan Flute | 4000 | B | HEDGHFLDFRM | Charm |
Basso Lyre | 6000 | B | HEDGHFLDFRM | Slow |
Cuckoo Call | 15000 | B | HEDGHFLDFRM | Mental Attack |
Horn of Prometheus | 25000 | B | HEDGHFLDFRM | Fireball |
Lyre of Cakes | 53392 | B | HEDGHFLDFRM | Help Food |
Nazwa | Cena | Klasa | Rasa | Pancerz | Specjalne |
Helm of Obitus | 15000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | +8 | Regen -8 |
Coxcomb | 800 | FMPTRABPVBL | HEDGHFLDFRM | +3 | |
Skullcap | 30 | MP APBM | HEDGHFLDFRM | -1 | |
Goat's Mask | 0 | FMPTRABPVBLSM | HEDGHFLDFRM | -2 | Regen -2 |
Feathered Hat | 75 | FTRBVL | HEDGHFLDFRM | -2 | |
Wizard's Cone | 75 | MAP | HEDGHFLDFRM | -2 | |
Mitre | 200 | PB | HEDGHFLDFRM | -2 | |
Tricorne Hat | 250 | FTBVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -2 | |
Ninja Cowl | 50 | N | HEDGHFLDFRM | -3 | |
Leather Helm | 145 | FVLS | HEDGH LDFRM | -3 | |
Steel Helm | 300 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -4 | |
Phrygian Cap | 875 | FTBVL | HEDGHFLDFRM | -4 | |
Faerie Cap | 25000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | F | -4 | Air 25%, Earth 25%, Fire 25%, Water 25%, Magic 25%, Mind 25%, Regen +1, Inv: +1 Pers |
Mail Coif | 300 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -5 | |
Mitre De Sanct | 4000 | PB | HEDGH LDFRM | -5 | |
Kabuto | 700 | S | HEDGH LDFRM | -6 | |
Bascinet | 850 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -6 | |
Helm&coif | 750 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -7 | |
Mordecai's Cone | 3500 | MAP | HEDGH LDFRM | -7 | Magic 50%, Mind 50% |
Burgonet Helm | 2250 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -8 | |
Bascinet&camail | 1875 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -9 | |
Armet | 7000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -10 | |
Heaume | 12500 | FVL | HEDGHFLDFRM | -12 | |
Ebony Heaume | 50000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -14 | Air 12%, Earth 30%, Fire 12%, Water 12% |
Nazwa | Cena | Klasa | Rasa | Pancerz | Specjalne |
Duck Shield | 350 | FTRBVL | HEDGH LDFRM | +2 | |
Buckler Shield | 65 | FTRBVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -1 | |
Round Shield | 350 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -2 | |
Heraldic Shield | 2500 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -2 | Inv: +1 Str. |
Heater Shield | 750 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -3 | |
Dragon Kite | 8000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -4 |
Nazwa | Cena | Klasa | Rasa | Pancerz | Specjalne |
Vennal Robe | 10000 | MP APVBLSM | HEDGHFLDFRM | +4 | |
Hoaxial Plate | 800 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | +2 | |
Hoary Legging | 450 | F TBVLS | HEDGHFLDFRM | +1 | |
Cloth Pants | 10 | FTRBVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -1 | |
Chamois Skirt | 25 | FTRBVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -3 | Tylko kobiety |
Suede Pants | 60 | FTRBVL | HEDGHFLDFRM | -3 | |
Ninja Garb | 80 | N | HEDGHFLDFRM | -3 | |
Fur Legging | 165 | FTRBVLS | HEDGH LDFRM | -4 | |
Quilt Legging | 190 | FPVBLS | HEDGH LDFRM | -4 | |
Leather Legging | 240 | FTBVLS | HEDGH LDFRM | -5 | |
Leather Greaves | 650 | FVLS | HEDGH LDFRM | -6 | |
Chamail Pants | 3500 | TRB | HEDGH LDFRM | -6 | |
Robe of Enchant | 10000 | MPAPVBLSM | HEDGHFLDFRM | -6 | Magic 25% |
Bronze Greaves | 1450 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -7 | |
Jazeraint Skirt | 1750 | FTBVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -7 | Tylko kobiety |
Stud Chausses | 900 | FVLS | HEDGH LDFRM | -8 | |
Chain Chausses | 1150 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -9 | |
Tosei-do | 3000 | S | HEDGH LDFRM | -9 | |
Plate Greviere | 1600 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -10 | |
Full Plate | 4000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -12 | |
Hi-kane-do | 20000 | S | HEDGH LDFRM | -12 | Earth 30%, Fire 15% |
Ebony Plate | 50000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -14 | Air 12%, Earth 25%, Fire 12%, Water 12% |
Nazwa | Cena | Klasa | Rasa | Pancerz | Specjalne |
Unctuous Gloves | 600 | FPTRBVBL | HEDGH LDFRM | +4 | |
Chamois Gloves | 600 | FPTRBVBL | HEDGH LDFRM | -3 | |
Cuir Gauntlets | 240 | FVS | HEDGH LDFRM | -5 | |
Mail Mittens | 450 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -6 | |
Steel Gauntlets | 1500 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -8 | |
Copper Gloves | 1500 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -10 | |
Silver Gloves | 5000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -12 | |
Mantis Gloves | 20000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -14 | Air 37%, Fire 25%, Mind 25%, Inv: +1 Dex |
Nazwa | Cena | Klasa | Rasa | Pancerz | Specjalne |
Lead Boots | 825 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | +5 | |
Sandals | 25 | FMPTRABPVBLSM | HEDGHFLDFRM | -1 | |
Buskins | 50 | FPTRBVBLS | HEDGH LDFRM | -3 | |
Tabi Boots | 85 | N | HEDGHFLDFRM | -3 | |
Leather Boots | 325 | FTRBVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -5 | |
Sacred Slippers | 18000 | PB | HEDGH LDFRM | -6 | Magic 17% |
Water Wings | 50000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | -7 | Air 10%, Fire 10%, Water 10% |
Chain Hosen | 485 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -8 | |
Glass Slippers | 24000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | -8 | Tylko dla kobiet Mind 100%, Inv: +1 Karma |
Solleret | 1650 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -10 | |
Silver Solleret | 5000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -12 | |
Mantis Boots | 20000 | FVL | HEDGH LDFRM | -14 | Earth 12%, Water 25%, Mind 12%, Inv: +1 Spd |
Pierścienie i amulety:
Nazwa | Cena | Klasa | Rasa | Działanie |
Ring of Delphi | 17760 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | AC +4, Regen -5 |
Chain of Despair | 400 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | AC +2, Regen -1 |
Idol of Mau-mu-mu | 0 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Fire 37% |
Clove of Garlic | 250 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Hypno 35% |
Green Parrot | 1250 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Magic 5%, Inv: +1 Pers, Ob: +1 |
Lynx Ring | 2000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Ob: +1 |
Toadstone Ring | 2400 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Air 35%, Cure Poison (6), Ob: 2d2+2 |
Amulet of Night | 2500 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Blinding Flash (4), Ob: 3d4 |
Ring of Minds | 3500 | MPAPBM | HEDGHFLDFRM | Mind 25%, Mindread (5), Ob: 1d4 +2 |
Amulet of Air | 4500 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Air 25%, Air Pocket (5), Ob: 3d3 |
Amulet of Winds | 10000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Air 25%,Whirlwind (4), 3d3 |
Amulet of Ice | 10000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Water 25%, Iceball (4), Ob: 3d3 |
Ankh of Phyre | 10000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Fire 25%, Fireball (3), Ob: 2d2 |
Amulet of Life | 25000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Resurrection (6), Ob: 7 |
Wizard's Ring | 0 | MAPB | HEDGHFLDFRM | Magic 5%, AC: -1 |
Shadow Cloak | 400 | TBN | HEDGH LDFRM | AC: -1 |
Silver Cross | 500 | PB | HEDGHFLDFRM | Magic 10%, AC: -1 |
Ruby Talisman | 1250 | FMTRABPVSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Magic 2%, Inv: +1 Int, Ob: 1, AC: -1 |
Anointed Cloak | 4000 | FPVBLM | HEDGHFLDFRM | Magic 12%, AC: -1 |
Ankh of Might | 20000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Inv: +1 Str, AC: -1, Ob: 1 |
Ankh of Sanctity | 20000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Inv: +1 Piet, AC: -1, Ob: 1 |
Ankh of Death | 25000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Death (5), AC: -1, Ob: 3d3 |
Ankh of Youth | 25000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Inv: -1 rok i +1 Vit, AC: -1, Ob: 1 |
Ankh of Purity | 34464 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Inv: +1 Karma, AC: -1, Ob: 1 |
Ankh of Arnie | 50000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Magic 25%, Inv: podnosi maks HP, AC: -1, Ob: 2 |
Ankh of Life | 50000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Resurrection (6), Inv: HP do pełna, AC: -1, Ob: 1d3+4 |
Ankh of Wonder | 50000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Regen +1, Heal Wounds (6), AC: -1, Ob: 3d3 |
Midnight Cloak | 2500 | TBN | HEDGH LDFRM | AC: -2 |
Bone Necklace | 5000 | FPVB | HEDGHFLDFRM | Magic 35%, Inv: +1 Vit, AC: -2, Ob: 1 |
Medicine Bag | 5000 | A | HEDGHFLDFRM | Heal Wounds (3), AC: -2, Ob: 3d3+1 |
Mystic's Ring | 5000 | MAP | HEDGHFLDFRM | Magic 12%, AC: -2 |
Tora Maedate | 5000 | S | HEDGH LDFRM | Magic 12%, Inv: +1 Vit, AC: -2, Ob: 1 |
Jade Figurine | 15000 | M | HEDGHFLDFRM | Mind 20%, Inv: podnosi Max HP, AC: -2, Ob: 1 |
Ring of Deftness | 20000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Earth 25%, Inv: +1 Dex, AC: -2, Ob: 1 |
Ring of Speed | 20000 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Earth 25%, Inv: +1 Spd, AC: -2, Ob: 1 |
Scarab Necklace | 50000 | PB | HEDGHFLDFRM | Air 25%, Fire 35%, Magic 25%, Mind 25%, Inv: +1 Pie, AC: -2, Ob: 3 |
Forest Cape | 15000 | R | HEDGHFLDFRM | Air 15%, Earth 15%, Water 15%, AC: -3 |
Mempo of Death | 20000 | S | HEDGH LDFRM | Magic 42%, Inv: +1 Karma, AC: -3, Ob: 2 |
Cape of Hi-zen | 40000 | M | HEDGHFLDFRM | Magic 70%, Mind 70%, Regen +1, Inv: -1 rok i +1 Vit, AC: -3, Ob: 1 |
Garland of Roses | 50000 | FVL | HEDGHFLDFRM | Magic 40%, Regen +1, Inv: pełne uleczenie, AC: -3, Ob: 3 |
Displacer Cloak | 3392 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Blink (4), AC: -4 |
Ring of Stars | 34464 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Mind 50%, Regen +1, AC: -4 |
Cameo Locket | 53392 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Tylko dla mężczyzn, Magic 50%, Regen +1, Inv: podnosi max HP, AC: -4, Ob: 3 |
Pk Crystal | 53392 | P | HEDGHFLDFRM | Mind 90%, Regen +2, Inv:+1 Int, AC: -4, Ob: 4 |
Diamond Ring | 41248 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | Tylko dla kobiet, Magic 50%, Regen +3, Inv: pełne uleczenie, AC: -5, Ob: 10 |
Nazwa | Cena | Klasa | Rasa | Działanie |
Book of Airs | 0 | MRABBS | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Air Pocket |
Book of Poetry | 500 | FMPTRABPVBLSMN | HEDGHFLDFRM | KO 5%, Mind 25%, Inv: +1 Int |
Book of Directions | 1500 | MBBS | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Direction |
Book of Mantras | 1500 | PRAPVBLM | HEDGHFLDFRM | KO 5%, U: Stamina |
Book of Chills | 2000 | MBBS | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Chilling Touch |
Book of Dozes | 2000 | MRABPBSM | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Sleep |
Book of Poisons | 2000 | RA | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Poison |
Book of Lt.Curing | 2250 | PRAPVBLM | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Cure Lesser Cnd |
Book of Knocks | 2500 | MBPBSM | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Knock-Knock |
Book of Rapture | 2500 | PRAPVBLM | HEDGHFLDFRM | KO 5%, U: Charm |
Book of Sloth | 2500 | PPVBLM | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Slow |
Book of Blinding | 3000 | RA | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Blinding Flash |
Book of Detection | 3000 | MBPBSM | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Detect Secret |
Book of Weakening | 3000 | MBPBSM | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Weaken |
Book of Air Shield | 4000 | MBBS | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Missile Shield |
Book of Fireshield | 5000 | MBBS | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Fire Shield |
Book of Iceshield | 5000 | MBBS | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Ice Shield |
Book of Protection | 5000 | PVBL | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Armorplate |
Book of Silence | 5000 | PVBLM | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Silence |
Book of Identity | 7500 | PB | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Identify |
Book of Armormelt | 8500 | MBPBSM | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Armormelt |
Book of Demons | 12000 | MPB | HEDGHFLDFRM | KO 5%, U: Conjuration |
Book of Levitation | 12000 | MBBS | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Levitate |
Book of Widows | 15000 | RAN | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Deadly Poison |
Book of Peace | 15000 | PPVBLM | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Sane Mind |
Book of Anti-magic | 25000 | MBBS | HEDGHFLDFRM | U: Anti-Magic |
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